
Tahoe Community Church began as a mission, and we continue to feel that missions are important to what churches do in keeping with the commission of Christ. Extending their witness and ministry beyond themselves to bring all persons to Christ and to glorify God. Listed below are a few of the ways we participate in missions from local to international levels.
Tahoe Community Church Global and Local Missions
Operation Christmas Child:
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. For more Information please contact the church office at 775-588-5860.
Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) Tim and Susan Driscoll: They have been working and starting churches in Japan since 1995. They have a heart and vision for the 127 million Japanese to come to know the Savior. They have 3 married sons serving on mission fields.
Family in Asia: serving to restore hope to the people, making disciples and helping them grow in simple churches.
FMI: Supporting a pastor in Pakistan. He supports church planting in his district and is head pastor to several churches.
Macedonia Missions to the Balkans, Director, Petre Petrov: planting churches in cities of war-torn former Yugoslavia and surrounding areas. Providing relief to the many people’s from different cultures and religions.
Local Missions:
Life Choices Community Pregnancy Clinic: Has been a resource in our community since 1983. A cozy, woman friendly center where anyone can go to get factual information, in a confidential environment.
They provide caring assistance while sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Volunteers are trained to listen, care and provide truthful information to help educate women regarding their choice options and the documented outcomes they can expect from those choices. An informed choice is a better choice.
All services are free of charge.
Jeff Ostlind: is in missionary training in the USA after his short term mission in Africa in 2021. TCC is committed to prayer support for Jeff during this time.
Knifty Knitters: Hand made knitted goods sent to people in need locally and globally.
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